Baseline information: 

·       29,334 households has already been constructed for Economically Weaker Sections                  under PMAY(U) in 2017-18

·       1 city has been covered under Atal Mission for Rejuvenation and Urban Transformation (AMRUT).

·       Total length of pedestrians Footpath constructed in 2016-17 was 3,364.30 meters.

·       Total investment/allocation in the Smart City Mission was 2 crore and that of total expenditure was the same as total investment based on 2015-16 records.

·       Based on 2015-16, percentage of door to door waste collection in Towns and Cities under SBM was 76% respectively.




By 2029

·       Achieve 100% door to door waste Collection in Towns and Cities.

·       100% municipal solid waste treatment

·       Effective implementation of NMT to improve pediatrician/ urban mobility.


1.     Achieve housing for all.

2.     To implement scientific solid waste management in Cities/ Towns.

3.     To improve urban mobility.

