Localization of SDGs

The Government of Mizoram is deeply committed to the Localization of SDG (LSDG) in Mizoram –

  • For we believe in the SDG motto: “Leave no one behind”; that the fruits of development should be discernibly visible and enjoyed by all individuals. 
  • For we believe that LSDG framework is a system through which pain points of the society can be identified so that poverty, environmental challenges and limitations of access to opportunities can be jointly tackled by the State, the Community and the Private sector. 
  • For we believe that we can leverage on the strong and united community in Mizoram that cares for the overall welfare of the community and the state to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals at all levels. 
  • For the Government is a very strong pillar in the State on whom a huge responsibility lies. The expectations that the common man has on the Government is immense. Therefore, we believe that it is the role of the Government to help realize the dreams of the common man and enable him to aspire for more in line with sustainable development. 
  • For we also believe that through this LSDG framework we can bridge the gap  between what the private sector can do and what the private sector has done in the state to bring about sustainable development. 

Pursuant to this declaration, Planning & Programme Implementation Department, Government of Mizoram, has formulated the Plan of Action for Localization of Sustainable Development Goals at the village and locality levels.